
You may not hunt with a muzzleloader in any hunt or area with weapon restrictions for the taking of big game
unless you have successfully completed a muzzleloader hunter education course that includes ballistic limitations of
muzzleloading weapons and a proficiency test. A hunter who applies for a “certified muzzleloader hunter only” permit hunt must have successfully completed a muzzleloader certification course prior to submitting a permit application.

You MAY NOT use a muzzleloader for big game:
• UNLESS it is a shoulder-mounted long gun and is at least .45 caliber or larger with a barrel that is either
rifled or smooth bore and discharges a single projectile.
• that is equipped with a scope or uses smokeless powder during any permitted, registered, or special
season hunt for muzzleloader only

View the following PDF for specifics on hunting in Alaska — Click Here

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